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Lens Maestro Group

Photography Studio

Client Name: Lens Maestro Group

Requirement :

To create a platform for Group of Photographers where they can be their members and get access to their events as well as to their articles on photography.

Technology used :

Angular 12

Node Js

Bootstrap 4

dev extreme

Implementation :

The project took about — days from concept to go-live.

About Company :

This Lens Maestro Group is a Group created for the mutual and personal benefits of photography enthusiastic and seasoned Photographers across the world, who wish to hone their skills in the field of Art Photography and get a global recognition for their work.

Their Mission and Vision are as follows”

  1. Conduct photography events & programs to benefit the enthusiastic and seasoned Photographers across the world.
  2. Improving and hone their skills in the field of Art Photography.
  3. Help them to get recognized for their work, globally.”

Apart from this all they give Free guidance on Photography subjects to the registered members of the group, create and maintain a website of the group to felicitate photographers globally for Lens Maestro Group’s various activities and information, organize and conduct National or International level Salons or Circuits, Photo Tours, Photography Workshops and Seminars at least once in a year and conduct Photo Contest as and when deemed suitable.

Summary Story:

Lens Maestro Group wanted to create a platform for group of photographers where they also wanted to create a membership portal for them. The member would be getting access to their articles on photography as well as they will be getting full access on the upcoming events and previous events uploaded by them. There will be also a gallery for photographers where they can showcase their work as well as get insights on other photographer’s works.

Key considerations and requirements during this implementation were: (Specific Requirements)

  • Domain
  • Access to all designs, photographs and content as per requirement
  • Web Hosting
  • SSL

Our Deliverables Included the following required Knowledge and skills: (Human Resources)

  • NODE Server
  • GIT
  • Send Grid/SendinBlue Account
  • CMS Admin (App Service, Plan app service, Server SQL, database SQL)

Discovery & UX Strategy :

Starting from scratch, the client had some general concepts for the site’s appearance and feel but no specific suggestions. As usual, we were glad to take the initiative in terms of design and encouraged this ambiguity by creating a few distinct designs. Putting Lens Maestro Group’s fantastic idea front and center was a recurring element throughout the many designs.

We discussed what worked and what didn’t after presenting the concepts to the customer, and then we came up with a design that combined the best elements of each idea.

After the design was decided, attention turned to the site’s structure and content. It was now time to begin the development after returning a content plan to the client!

Building the Website :

We started developing the website after we agreed on a design and started creating content. There’s a lot more to building a website than just coding; it’s critical that as much of the site as possible is customizable by the client, so strong integration with a content management system (CMS) is essential.

The Lens Maestro Groups website build is like all the others website created here. For example the search engine is optimized, the whole website is fully responsive and mobile ready, and also the overall functioning of the website is built to perform quickly.

Test & Launching :

Before being launched, each website that we publish goes through a thorough testing period. Lens Maestro Groups was no exception, as it was tested both internally and by the client.

Final content entry was the last topic to discuss at this point, so we took advantage of the opportunity to train the client on how to maintain the website moving forward.

The Results :

With the project completed, we have not only a modern and simple website that allows Lens Maestro Group to shine, but also a very happy client.

Though the site is now in the client’s hands, it is far from over! Over the next few months, the Lens Maestro Group website was inspected on a regular basis by us just to make sure the proper working of the website was good. While we believe in giving the client as much control as possible over website updates, there may be times when certain design elements require updating or a training refresher where we are always there!